Title: Taiche - Acrylic Painting - Sunflower Pillow Case. Item: 260798
Product: Sunflower In Van Gogh Style Pillow Case is
Personalization: Personalized
message digitally added to the image itself prior to the application (optional). Makes a great gift idea
for any occasion or holiday.
Additional information: This item may be offered in different styles,
colors and sizes. Click on "Add To Cart" button and select the size and
quantity. When finished making adjustments to the shopping cart click on
the recalculate button and proceed to checkout.
30 Day Money Back Guarantee: If you are not totally satisfied
with our product you can return it for a full refund minus the shipping
cost. Please note personalized items can't be returned.
Customer comments: I just
received the beautiful item that you sent out, & I was very impressed. Rest assured that all my friends & family will hear about what a wonderful product you have & You will probably be hearing from me again in the future. Thank-you ever so much I can't tell you how beautiful I thought it was, your pictures don't do the final
product justice. Happy holidays!!!! Alexis
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Contact: Your satisfaction is our
#1 priority. Should you have any further questions please don't hesitate
to contact us at Dina@3dRose.com We always try to respond